Google+ - The New Social Network


      Google said it would begin the project of building a social networking platform that can compete against the more known Facebook and makes online communication a reality today.
Vic Gundotra, senior vice president of engineering at Google said "We think people communicate in very rich ways," and that  "The online tools we have to choose from give us very rigid services."

      The first thing that will surely make the new project to enjoy a lot of popularity among prospective users is the ability to share different sections of the account only with a small group of people. For example for pictures or information we’ll have the option to select only some people who can view this informations. Right now Facebook can do something like this with the option “Groups”.

      Several other tools that were made ​​to change the world of social networking and will be launched in the project Google + are: Hudd (upload pictures), Sparks (finding some of the things in which a user is interest), Circles (groups of friends).
The project Google+ comes after two unsuccessful attempts of the famous company to create a social network that can break the market, namely "Buzz" and "Google Wave" so it remains to be seen whether Facebook will have a competitor or not.