Zend Framework - Basic Things

Until a few years ago most programmers have used PHP to build websites and we could say that PHP have reached a level that other programming languages ​​were not.
Meanwhile Framework and toolkits have had an impact that few people expect and this is because they are object oriented and have a module MVC (Model-View-Controller).
At this point, even if Zend Framework was not the first framework appeared (the first was developed by Ruby on Rails), many programmers prefer it because it can provide a stable, clean and complete code for many applications. If we sit to review in detail what is and what Zend Framework can do,then we reach to the following conclusions:

When we refer to the Zend Framework components we can take into account the following:

- this module can control the entire application by simply executing the orders
Zend_Db - is based on PDO (PHP Data Objects) providing access to databases
Zend_View – this makes the MVC module visible

Zend_Filter - provides various functions that can be performed (an example is isEmail ())
Zend_InputFilter - ensure the proper functioning of the forms that work with arrays
Zend_Mail - with this module we can send text and MIME messages
Zend_Search - a very important component with which we can built various search engines based on various factors
Zend_Log - is used to build logging functions
Zend_Feed – important feature if we want to use RSS and Atom feeds
Zend_Service – with this component sub-modules we can access API services from websites like Twitter, Amazon or Yahoo.

WinWinHost is using Zend Framework in its projects in order to provide its customers with very effective and best quality solutions. Zend Framework is the main factor contributing to the development of our OpenSource projects so far and will certainly provide support for future projects.