Payday Loan Affiliate Plugin Released

Now you can earn money by generating leads with your wordpress website.
We have created an wordpress plugin that adds a Payday Loan form to your website that you can customize in many ways.
People who want a loan will fill in and submit this form, thus generating leads that your site will send it to the WinWinHost Affiliate Network where the information will be validated and we will pay you for each valid lead.
To use this plugin you need a publisher account on the WinWinHost Affiliate Network.


Download Payday Loan Plugin.

How to install Payday Loan Affiliate Plugin:

1. First you need to have a publisher account on WinWinHost Affiliate Network.

After creating an account you can add a website on your dashboard.Complete the steps of adding a new website and then click on the website details to get the Unique Key for your Payday Loan Affiliate Plugin.

affiliate network

2. The plugin contains two forms: a small one with just 5 fields (First/Last Name, State, Zip Code, Email) that submits to a large one with many more fields.The reason for this is that the visitor should see the small form at the beginning so he doesn't get scared off by all the details he must submit.
3. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.

payday plugin

4. After activating the plugin you need to use a shortcode for the large form, "[leads_form]", that you can use in any page so the form will be displayed.

5. Now you need to go to Settings --> Payday Loan Affiliate on your Dashboard and make sure you put the Unique Key on the "Website Unique Key from WinWinHost Affiliate Network:" field and the URL of the page with the large form shortcode on the "Large Form URL" field.

Here is how the large form will be displayed:

payday form

6. The small form can be used as a widget (recommended) that you will find in Appearence --> Widgets and it's called "Payday Loan Affiliate Small Form":

payday form

7. The small form also has a shortcode you can use in posts/pages: "[leads_smallform]" and everytime a visitor click on the small form he will be redirected to the page that contains the large form.

8. You can check your WinWinHost Affiliate Network publisher account periodically to see how many leads your site has generated and to see the cash in your earnings.