Software Development

software development

      Our company location is in California and offers complete software development services worldwide. So if you wonder if you can somehow benefit from our services even if you are in another area (country, continent) is good to know that,Yes!

Software Development is our specialty. We write custom systems on a daily basis.Our in house skills set includes:  

        - PHP/MySQL  

        - Flash: ActionScript  

        - jQuery - JavaScript Ninja  

        - JSON  

        - XML

      We write custom solutions on Windows 2003 servers along side with FreeBSD, RedHat, Ubuntu, and Debian. We use scalable frameworks such as the Zend Framework to push PHP to its limit and can code on scalable computing clouds like Amazon EC2, Google Apps.

Being in the internet business means just that, we own an internet business. We have custom E-Commerce solutions and multiple options.

Achieving "enterprise quality" software solution with an open source platform, means your business can access powerful and professional business tools and strategies with lower cost. Allowing you to grow your business with confidence and foresight.

Currently WinWinHost offers the following services in software development:

Software design services:
       When we want to create the best desktop, mobile and web solutions we must understand exactly what the customer wants, then we come with questions to fully understand the project and finally we come up with solutions and a prototype for the client to make their opinions about our capabilities.

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Web Development Services: 
      All software companies that offer quality software services are offering web development services. It is known that nowadays the Internet is the most representative environment for any company that wants to increase its popularity. WinWinHost offers web development for small, medium and large companies but also for individual users who want to have their own internet website.

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Most representative areas for us are:

phpjqueryjava   zend mysqlapachecsshtmlaction scriptwordpresswindows 2003

Software consulting services:
      Software development needs a lot of work, inspiration and knowledge from developers. WinWinHost can turn all usual ideas into quality projects, we can help you solve software problems with real solutions and we can provide a range of technologies to choose from.
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